                                 Mario 64
Mario 64 is an amazing game with beautiful graphics, awsome level design and tons of fun to play. When I first Played this game I was playing it for at least 16 hours straight, with the odd break in between. The only thing that Mario 64 Lacked was the ability to play as Luigi (Which will Be Possible in Mario 2) and the lack of Replay Value. These minor problems take absolutely nothing away from the game so I give this game a 10 out of 10.

                                         Waverace 64
The first installment in the racing catagory for Nintendo 64 was Waverace and needless to say it wasn't dissapointing. It was another Myiamoto(My Favorite Game Designer)  masterpeice. After the succes of Mario people's expectations were high, but Waverace delivered, with high paced Racing and amazing graphics. This game was a blast at first but after you play it for too long it can get boring. Still it is a great game with a fun two player mode, dissapointingly there wasn't a 4 player mode. I will give this game a 8.5 out of 10.

                               Star Wars: Shadows of
                          The Empire

I own this game myself and after playing it to death and with the newer first person shooters like Goldeneye, Star Wars Falls way short of what it could have been. Lucasarts have made great games (X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter, Jedi Knight)
and to see a game of this quality on a system of this power, it is surely dissapointing. Not to say that SOTE was a crappy game, it's just that it could have been way better. Lucasarts is reportedly working on a sequel so hopefully it will be a big improvement. I'll be gracious and give SOTE a 7.9 out of 10. It's a fun game but it lacks the kind of fast paced action displayed in Goldeneye.

                                                      Pilotwings 64

I've never been a big fan of flight sim games but Pilotwings was still a fun game. It includes several different vehicles and some great levels, but all of this wasn't enough to make me buy it or even rent it for a second time. Pilotwings scores an 8.4 out of 10 on my scale.

                                            Mario Kart 64

When Mario Kart 64 first arrived for rental in town I went to the Video Store with the intentions of Renting this game, but when I left the store I ended up owning the game. Obviously the greatest part of this game was the extremely fun Four- Player Battle Mode. This provided extreme replay value for this classic game. Mario Kart's main player Circuit mode was pretty good but definatly not as fun as the battle. More Battle Track's would have been nice but the game is still a ton of fun. I give this game a 9.8 out of 10.

                                        Killer Instinct Gold

Fighting games have never been "my cup of tea" but Killer Instinct gold was fun to play, and included some new features and enhanced graphics. Compared to the Super Nes version this game wasn't that much different but was a needed game because of the lack of Fighting Games on the N64. I'll give it a 7.5 out of 10.
                                                  MK Trilogy
Now this game was a huge dissapointment. It was practically no different from
the Super Nes, and sold for an amazingly high price. I'll give it a 3.5 out of 10.

"Movie to Game" games have usually never been very good or popular, until now. Delay after Delay caused Goldeneye to lose it's appeal but once it hit shelves it's appeal skyrocketed. This is just an amazing game with an awsome one player mission game and an even more amazing 4 player game. Everything Rare squeezed into this game is fantastic. From the enemies realistic movements and deaths to the Nerve-Wracking suspense of being shot at by 3 other Friends.
The Character interaction in the game was also a nice touch. My only small, small, complaint was the slow down in some areas of Multiplayer. A little Bit more Gadgets would have been nice, but these minor problems definately don't keep me from giving this game a 10 out of 10 in the First Person Shooter Departement.

                                            Final Fantasy III
I've never really been interested with RPG's, and up untill about a month ago not even played one. But when turned on the Super Nes and decided I was going to try it out I was instantly hooked. Even though Final Fantasy III is a Super Nes game and isn't exactly a graphically amazing game I couldn't help but play for hours on end. This game has so much depth and character interaction that it will keep you coming back for more. It's also a HUGE game, with plenty of challenges and mysteries to solve. If Nintendo could make games like this they wouldn't have to worry one bit about it's competition.(Playstation) Squaresoft did an amazing job on this game and very many others that I am hoping to play very soon.(Chrono Trigger, Secret Of Mana, Final Fantasy II) Anybody who hasn't played this game or doesn't think they would like an RPG, try it anyway, I guarentee you'll have fun. I'm gonna give this game a 10 out of 10. An amazing game with so much fun packed in you'll never get bored.